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Hawaii Threads Trivia Contest -- Go Fourth and Multiply

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  • #91
    Re: Hawaii Threads Trivia Contest -- Go Fourth and Multiply

    HawaiiThreads Trivia Contest!
    Here are the questions for Day 7!
    1. Category: Concentration's Not a Game
      In Farewell to Manzanar, Jeanne Wakatsuki Houston's account of her life in a Japanese "relocation center" during World War II, the author tells of how, on the first day in the camp, the Japanese-American detainees were surprised to be served rice, and how they were horrified by what the servers ladled on top of the rice, rendering it inedible. What did the servers put on the rice, thinking the prisoners would consider it a treat?

    2. Category: Dead End Street
      In what Oahu neighborhood might you find yourself down at the end of ahole street?

    3. Category: London Bridge
      According to the story, George Harrison and Eric Clapton were writing a song together. Clapton got up and left the room for a moment while Harrison continued to work on the song. Later, Clapton re-entered the room and saw where Harrison had written the word "bridge" on the lyrics sheet, only Clapton misread the word, and THAT's how one of Slowhand's popular songs got its title! What was the song?

    Please send me your answers IN PRIVATE MAIL by 9:00 p.m. on Saturday, November 10! Good luck, and have fun!

    Just a word of warning in advance: I'm going to a friend's house for game night and to listen to the Rainbows. It's highly likely tomorrow's questions will be up later than 9:00. Sorry.
    But I'm disturbed! I'm depressed! I'm inadequate! I GOT IT ALL! (George Costanza)


    • #92
      Re: Hawaii Threads Trivia Contest -- Go Fourth and Multiply

      OK - already got the 2 points for the word problem but...... allegory? No where do I see the connection. Alchemy on the other hand is a pseudoscience or alleged science. Alleged does mean supposed - no? I thought allegory was a representation of abstract ideas........

      Just curious.


      • #93
        Re: Hawaii Threads Trivia Contest -- Go Fourth and Multiply

        Originally posted by scrivener View Post

        zztype: "If my sister gets this one, I'll, I'll, I'll, ... I'd better stop now. I might receive an another invitation involving goats. "

        Here are the current scores!
        16.5: Kalei99
        15: zztype, liberty
        14: Leo Lakio
        13.25: Surfingfarmboy
        13: zztype, liberty, acousticlady, InfinityProductions
        Hmmmmm.....I wouldn't complain zztype....accroding to this you and liberty have a total of 28 points!

        Oh.... and "Macadangdang soyut billy goat..." Can't seem to get that song outta my head...
        So long...and thanks for all the fish!


        • #94
          Re: Hawaii Threads Trivia Contest -- Go Fourth and Multiply

          So Kalei99 and Zztype: Enlighten me. Who is numero uno, first born, alpha child? And how many others are there? And all that! I am kinda digging watching the sibbling rivalry-ribbing from the sidelines.
          Aloha from Lavagal


          • #95
            Re: Hawaii Threads Trivia Contest -- Go Fourth and Multiply

            allegory is totally wrong. i must have been on drugs or something, because tha answer is alchemy.
            But I'm disturbed! I'm depressed! I'm inadequate! I GOT IT ALL! (George Costanza)


            • #96
              Re: Hawaii Threads Trivia Contest -- Go Fourth and Multiply

              Originally posted by lavagal View Post
              So Kalei99 and Zztype: Enlighten me. Who is numero uno, first born, alpha child? And how many others are there? And all that! I am kinda digging watching the sibbling rivalry-ribbing from the sidelines.
              Seven of us. zztype is No. 1. Kalei is No. 6. Uh, not in this particular competition so far, that is.

              I am sometimes known as the Alpha Geek. That would make Kalei the F Geek.
              Make trouble, have fun, do good stuffs.


              • #97
                Re: Hawaii Threads Trivia Contest -- Go Fourth and Multiply

                Originally posted by zztype View Post
                Seven of us. zztype is No. 1. Kalei is No. 6. Uh, not in this particular competition so far, that is.

                I am sometimes known as the Alpha Geek. That would make Kalei the F Geek.

                I hope that means she's also FUNNY or gets your jokes! Amazing! Seven! Any other sibblings on HT?
                off to 24HF to pay for last night's Macaroni Grill excursion!
                Aloha from Lavagal


                • #98
                  Re: Hawaii Threads Trivia Contest -- Go Fourth and Multiply

                  Originally posted by lavagal View Post
                  I hope that means she's also FUNNY or gets your jokes! Amazing! Seven! Any other sibblings on HT?
                  off to 24HF to pay for last night's Macaroni Grill excursion!
                  Yeah, she funny, alright. U neva see the "soyut billy goat" comment?

                  (Makes mental note: Kalei coming home for Thanksgiving. Must plan special "welcome." Hehehe.)
                  Make trouble, have fun, do good stuffs.


                  • #99
                    Re: Hawaii Threads Trivia Contest -- Go Fourth and Multiply

                    Originally posted by zztype View Post
                    Yeah, she funny, alright. U neva see the "soyut billy goat" comment?

                    (Makes mental note: Kalei coming home for Thanksgiving. Must plan special "welcome." Hehehe.)

                    Heh heh heh....If you're the Alpha Geek, wouldn't that make me the Zeta Geek (Ζ ζ ) being that it's the 6th letter in the greek alphabet??

                    Only 10 more days!!! Can't wait for my warm, special welcome!
                    So long...and thanks for all the fish!


                    • Re: Hawaii Threads Trivia Contest -- Go Fourth and Multiply

                      Originally posted by Kalei99 View Post
                      Heh heh heh....If you're the Alpha Geek, wouldn't that make me the Zeta Geek (Ζ ζ ) being that it's the 6th letter in the greek alphabet??

                      Only 10 more days!!! Can't wait for my warm, special welcome!
                      Eh, wot? I went AIEA, not Athens! Nomo "zeta" in Hawaiian alphabet!

                      I guess I stay "alapi'i" and you stay... ???

                      Podagee cheer: Two! Four! Six! ... uh, ???
                      Make trouble, have fun, do good stuffs.


                      • Re: Hawaii Threads Trivia Contest -- Go Fourth and Multiply

                        Originally posted by Kalei99 View Post
                        Hmmmmm.....I wouldn't complain zztype....accroding to this you and liberty have a total of 28 points!

                        Oh.... and "Macadangdang soyut billy goat..." Can't seem to get that song outta my head...
                        LOL... I just noticed that! Might want to fix the duplicates, Scriv...


                        • Re: Hawaii Threads Trivia Contest -- Go Fourth and Multiply

                          HawaiiThreads Trivia Contest!
                          Here are the questions for Day 7!

                          Category: Concentration's Not a Game
                          In Farewell to Manzanar, Jeanne Wakatsuki Houston's account of her life in a Japanese "relocation center" during World War II, the author tells of how, on the first day in the camp, the Japanese-American detainees were surprised to be served rice, and how they were horrified by what the servers ladled on top of the rice, rendering it inedible. What did the servers put on the rice, thinking the prisoners would consider it a treat?
                          Canned apricots. The servers didn't know any better; they thought the sweet fruit and syrup would be a nice treat. They didn't understand yet that rice is eaten with savory foods, not sugary foods. If you haven't read this wonderful, important account, please add it to your list. It's a short read and very accessible.

                          Tea and rice for zztype, tutusue, kanahina, Surfingfarmboy, Kalei99, Leo Lakio, acousticlady, mel, CranBeree, liberty, InfinityProductions, and Lavagal for getting it right!

                          The commentary that came with these answers was great. Two of you said, "Yuck," one said, "Gross," and one (a Caucasian) said, "Oh my gosh, this broke my heart to read this. What is wrong with white people?" One person said, "I need to do some more research to find out what makes this inedible."

                          Ultimately, the point is not that the rice was inedible; the point is that this total lack of understanding of Japanese-American culture is the very thing that led to this illegal imprisonment in the first place. American citizens were robbed of their homes, property, businesses, families, and lives by their own government. Sad.

                          Category: Dead End Street
                          In what Oahu neighborhood might you find yourself down at the end of ahole street?
                          I intentionally changed "ahole place" to "ahole street" to make it fit the "Heartbreak Hotel" lyric I was trying to mimic. Most of you caught it and correctly identified it as being in Ewa Beach (West Loch and Honouliuli are also acceptable answers--in fact, as a Leeward-side boy myself, I flinch at calling that neighborhood Ewa Beach and think Honouliuli is a much better answer), including zztype, tutusue, Mike_Lowery, Palama Kid, kanahina, Surfingfarmboy, Kalei99, Leo Lakio, mel, CranBeree, jdub, and Lavagal!

                          I always found it funny that "A-Hole" place existed.

                          Category: London Bridge
                          According to the story, George Harrison and Eric Clapton were writing a song together. Clapton got up and left the room for a moment while Harrison continued to work on the song. Later, Clapton re-entered the room and saw where Harrison had written the word "bridge" on the lyrics sheet, only Clapton misread the word, and THAT's how one of Slowhand's popular songs got its title! What was the song?
                          That would be Cream's "Badge," one of my least-favorite Clapton songs. Flick your Bics for zztype, tutusue, Mike_Lowery, Palama Kid, kanahina, Surfingfarmboy, Kalei99, Leo Lakio, acousticlady, mel, CranBeree, liberty, jdub, InfinityProductions, and Lavagal for getting that one right!

                          Sooooo here are the current standings, with the WEEVIL issue still unresolved because I got out of bed late and never caught up with my to-do list!
                          19.25: Kalei99
                          18: zztype
                          17: Leo Lakio, liberty
                          16.25: Surfingfarmboy
                          15.75: tutusue
                          15: acousticlady, InfinityProductions, lavagal
                          12.25: CranBeree
                          12: mel
                          8: Mike_Lowery
                          7.5: jdub
                          5: Palama Kid
                          4.25: helen
                          3: kiwidiva, kanahila

                          Whew! New questions, next post!
                          But I'm disturbed! I'm depressed! I'm inadequate! I GOT IT ALL! (George Costanza)


                          • Re: Hawaii Threads Trivia Contest -- Go Fourth and Multiply

                            HawaiiThreads Trivia Contest!
                            Here are the questions for Day 8!
                            1. Category: Rude Vial Pig

                              This obnoxious candy, ridiculously popular in Hawaii in the nineties,
                              is no longer manufactured, much to the chagrin of many. What is it?

                            2. Category: Apparent Trap
                              I will be fairly surprised if anyone gets this, but I've said that before and have been wrong! The 1989 TV-movie Parent Trap: Hawaiian Honeymoon stars the enduring Haley Mills in the role(s) she originated in the Disney classic. It was filmed in Hawaii and set in an aging resort. For one point, in what Oahu town were the resort scenes filmed? For one bonus point, what specifically is located in real life on the grounds that served as the film's resort?

                            3. Category: Stringing You Along
                              What do Elixir guitar strings, Glide dental floss, and Gore-Tex have in common?

                            In order to give our mainland participants a fair shot at today's questions, I'm allowing the usual 24 hours for the submission of answers, and in order to get us back on schedule, I'll be posting the day 9 questions at the regular 9:00 p.m. time Sunday. So Day 8 questions won't be due until 3:00 a.m. Monday morning. Yes, this means two days' worth of questions will be posted and active at the same time, but that's okay. We'll get it all caught up at 9:00 Monday night. Does that make sense?

                            Argh. In case I'm not being clear:
                            Day 8 questions (these): Due Monday morning 3:00 a.m. (late Sunday night)
                            Day 9 questions: Posted Sunday night 9:00 and due Monday night 9:00.
                            Day 8 and Day 9 answers: Posted Monday night 9:00.

                            Please send me your answers IN PRIVATE MAIL by 3:00 a.m. on Monday, November 10 (that's late Sunday night)! Good luck, and have fun!
                            But I'm disturbed! I'm depressed! I'm inadequate! I GOT IT ALL! (George Costanza)


                            • Re: Hawaii Threads Trivia Contest -- Go Fourth and Multiply

                              Originally posted by scrivener View Post
                              HawaiiThreads Trivia Contest!
                              Here are the answers for Day 6!

                              Here are the current scores!
                              16.5: Kalei99
                              Originally posted by scrivener View Post
                              HawaiiThreads Trivia Contest!
                              Here are the questions for Day 7!

                              19.25: Kalei99
                              Hey, I know I'm losing brain cells by the second.....but how'd I lose a 1/4 point in one day?
                              So long...and thanks for all the fish!


                              • Re: Hawaii Threads Trivia Contest -- Go Fourth and Multiply

                                Malihini tax?

                                aaaar. I'll fix it next time I update scores.
                                But I'm disturbed! I'm depressed! I'm inadequate! I GOT IT ALL! (George Costanza)

