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Hawaii Threads Trivia Contest -- Go Fourth and Multiply

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  • Re: Day 26 Answers

    Originally posted by Leo Lakio View Post

    Oh, and Blaine? Today, I'm the man behind the curtain ... of SNOW! Seattle's getting a couple of inches of flurries at the moment; I drove home from the radio show in the worst of it.

    We got 14" since yesterday - took my husband 2 1/2 hours to get home - people were only going at a snail's pace - and for good reason!
    We built a 6' snowman in the front yard today! I'll post picture tomorrow - after I get him some eyes and a nose....
    So long...and thanks for all the fish!


    • Re: Day 26 Answers

      Originally posted by Kalei99 View Post
      We got 14" since yesterday[...]
      No sympathy points for you either! I see it didn't knock out your internet connection.


      Originally posted by Leo Lakio View Post
      [...]Jeez - I better finish up my trivia submission for tonight, before we head out...
      Last I heard the deadline is being extended for certain Seattle residents who have Hawaii ties. See, no problem, you can submit your answers when you get back home tonight!

      Last edited by tutusue; December 1, 2007, 02:22 PM. Reason: brain fut


      • Re: Day 26 Answers

        Originally posted by Kalei99 View Post
        We built a 6' snowman in the front yard today! I'll post picture tomorrow - after I get him some eyes and a nose....
        Make a snow-goat to go next to him.


        • Re: Day 26 Answers

          Originally posted by Leo Lakio View Post
          Make a snow-goat to go next to him.
          I think the goat will eat the carrot nose.
          Make trouble, have fun, do good stuffs.


          • Re: Hawaii Threads Trivia Contest -- Go Fourth and Multiply

            Actually, since I'll be watching the game at my folks' house in Aiea, I'll be a little bit late getting new questions up and posting results. Don't wait up, but it will probably be closer to 10 or 10:30.
            But I'm disturbed! I'm depressed! I'm inadequate! I GOT IT ALL! (George Costanza)


            • Re: Hawaii Threads Trivia Contest -- Go Fourth and Multiply

              OK, the game is over. Anybody remember this thing?
              Make trouble, have fun, do good stuffs.


              • Day 28 Questions

                HawaiiThreads Trivia Contest!
                Here are the questions for Day 27!

                I just don't have it in me to put together an answers post today, but I think I can fling together a good questions post. We'll do two results shows tomorrow night.

                1. Category: Managing to Stay Relevant
                  Bob Lemon, Chuck Tanner, Doug Rader, and Tom Trebelhorn were successful baseball managers. What one team did they each manage at different times?

                2. Category: Who Can Make the Sun Rise?
                  What popular candy's packaging sometimes includes the reassurance that "it's totally ok to lick the wrappers?"

                3. Category: The Long and Short of It
                  What unit of measure is equal to five feet, seven inches?

                Please send me your answers IN PRIVATE MAIL by 11:00 p.m. on Sunday (slight extension, due to tonight's late posting), December 2! Good luck, and beat Kalei!
                Last edited by scrivener; December 1, 2007, 11:13 PM. Reason: "It can't be bought with cigarettes or nylons or pefume . . . and all the highest bidder gets is a voucher for a tomb..."
                But I'm disturbed! I'm depressed! I'm inadequate! I GOT IT ALL! (George Costanza)


                • Re: Day 28 Questions

                  Originally posted by scrivener View Post
                  HawaiiThreads Trivia Contest!
                  Here are the questions for Day 27!
                  CORRECTION: That should read:

                  Here are the questions for Day 28!

                  Make trouble, have fun, do good stuffs.


                  • Re: Day 28 Questions

                    Originally posted by zztype View Post
                    CORRECTION: That should read:

                    Here are the questions for Day 28!

                    Scriv's excused...this time. He has a case of Warriors Fever!!!


                    • Re: Day 28 Questions

                      Originally posted by tutusue View Post
                      Scriv's excused...this time. He has a case of Warriors Fever!!!
                      Of course he is! Heck, I was in no condition to operate a trivia contest after that insane game! He could have been arrested!

                      Looking forward to a double-whammy tonight!

                      Make trouble, have fun, do good stuffs.


                      • Day 27 Answers

                        HawaiiThreads Trivia Contest!
                        Here are the answers for Day 27!

                        I will straighten out all the appeals before I post scores Monday night! I...well, I don't SWEAR, but I will do my darndest!

                        Category: Volcano Whoa!
                        Here is another participant-submitted question!

                        A one-minute television commerical, with a distinctively Hawaiian theme, aired in the US (c.1967) that showed characters playing the roles of kanaka maoli throwing rice and brown sugar cane sugar (sic) into an active volcano. Moments later, these ingredients are transformed into an edible product that is explosively erupted from the volcano's caldera. What product did this commercial advertise?
                        Kellogg's Puffa Puffa Rice. I've never heard of this stuff, but enough of you did to earn Surfingfarmboy one point for submitting this interesting question! Spoons up for Mike_Lowery, zztype, Kalei99, Surfingfarmboy, Leo Lakio, mel, Peshkwe, acousticlady, InfinityProductions, tutusue, liberty, and lavagal! Surfingfarmboy thought the "younger" people playing the game (I won't repeat the names he offered) would have trouble with it, but everyone on his list got it right!

                        Also, Kalei99 says it was her favorite, and mel says he didn't like it much because it got soggy too soon after milk was poured upon it.

                        The cheesy-sounding commercials are on YouTube, if anyone wants to check that out.

                        Category: Tree Scoops Rice
                        What Honolulu restaurant has an enormous tree growing right through it?
                        I'm editing this to add that this is not al fresco's an indoor restaurant, and there is a huge tree growing right through it. In case anyone wanted to call one of the hotel lanais a restaurant or something.
                        I'm going to ask this one again, with better details. No points for this one, and I'm not saying who was right or wrong!

                        Category: "Waipahu Must Be Empty Tonight!"
                        What did Frank De Lima yell when a tire came off his car and rolled away?
                        "What? Loose wheel! You goin' leave me now?"
                        Man, I thought that joke was HILARIOUS when I was in sixth grade or whenever I heard it first.

                        Save a table at the Noodle Shop for zztype, Kalei99, Leo Lakio, and kanahina!

                        acousticlady says, "I don't know what he said but I had a blast looking for it. Found an old HT thread on local humor. I was in tears I laughed so hard. Spent too much time reading through the jokes!"

                        tutusue's answer was, "Dammit, I'm too young to retire!"

                        Someone wanted to know why the category title was the same two days in a row. Heehee. The first time I used it was in honor of Waipahu and something Frank says when he does the go-into-the-audience-and-ask-talk-to-people thing. When he's spoken to a few Filipinos in a row, he says, "Waipahu must be empty tonight!" That's too good a line not to use twice.

                        72.5: Kalei99
                        65.25: Leo Lakio
                        61.25: zztype
                        56.75: liberty
                        52.75: acousticlady, tutusue, Surfingfarmboy
                        45.25: Mike_Lowery, InfinityProductions
                        45: lavagal
                        36.5: CranBeree
                        35: mel
                        30: kanahina, Peshkwe
                        20.75: helen
                        11.5: Palama Kid
                        10.25: kiwidiva
                        9.5: jdub

                        No new questions, next post!
                        Last edited by scrivener; December 2, 2007, 09:11 PM. Reason: "It's a long way to the top if you wanna rock and roll!"
                        But I'm disturbed! I'm depressed! I'm inadequate! I GOT IT ALL! (George Costanza)


                        • Day 28 Answers

                          HawaiiThreads Trivia Contest!
                          Here are the answers for Day 28!

                          Category: Managing to Stay Relevant
                          Bob Lemon, Chuck Tanner, Doug Rader, and Tom Trebelhorn were successful baseball managers. What one team did they each manage at different times?
                          What a WEAK category title. Sheesh. Good thing this contest is winding down! The correct answer is, of course, the Hawaii Islanders. Since I just about always have at least one Hawaii-related question per day, and the other two really aren't very Hawaii-related, you could have gotten a hint just from the assortment here. S&S Saimin (my favorite thing at Islander games) for Mike_Lowery, Peshkwe, zztype, Kalei99, liberty, Surfingfarmboy, tutusue, acousticlady, InfinityProductions, and Leo Lakio!

                          Category: Who Can Make the Sun Rise?
                          What popular candy's packaging sometimes includes the reassurance that "it's totally ok to lick the wrappers?"

                          I think this was tough to Google if you typed it in the way it appears on the cardboard tray that comes with Reese's Peanut Butter Cups. Only liberty, tutusue, and Leo Lakio got that right.

                          tutusue says, "Dunno whether that answer is right but I always lick the wrapper when the chocolate has melted!" Ooooh. Um, wow. Is it, uh, getting hot in here?

                          mel also sent me a YouTube video of...well, I can only imagine right now, because I can't look at YouTube where I happen to be right now.

                          Category: The Long and Short of It
                          What unit of measure is equal to five feet, seven inches?
                          That would be a Smoot. Easily Googleable, but if you have some time, read about other M.I.T. "hacks." You will laugh so hard you'll have to pee, I swear. mel says that five feet, seven inches is also HIS height, so I say that from now on in Hawaii, that measurement will be known as a "mel." How many mels is it from one end of the Hilo Humming Bridge to the other?

                          Surfingfarmboy says, "Oohh..I'm thrilled you have showcased something which is so much part of my life! I have been over the Harvard Bridge many, many time. In fact, one of my favorite running routes in Boston is to start my run in the North End, run over the Charles River Dam Bridge, proceed along Charles River to the Harvard Bridge, go over the bridge to the Back Bay, do a lap around Fenway Park, run along Boylston Street, (crossing and saluting the Boston Marathon finish line along the way), proceed through the Boston Common, and finish back in the North End. A beautiful run and common route for many local runners. Boston. It's a runner's paradise!"

                          zztype says one Smoot is also the legal width of stairs not needing handrails, the width of a queen-sized bed, Tom Cruise's height, and the height beneath which men are considered "short." It is also the height of Fred Lau, the San Francisco police chief who had been one inch too short to serve on the police force there until the requirement was changed in order to let him in.

                          lavagal sends a link to this lickable wrapper, which of course reminds me of these. I know, they're lame, but believe it or not, I have had occasion to try them, and they were pretty good!

                          One point each for Mike_Lowery, Peshkwe, zztype, Kalei99, liberty, Surfingfarmboy, tutusue, acousticlady, InfinityProductions, and Leo Lakio!

                          74.5: Kalei99
                          68.25: Leo Lakio
                          63.25: zztype
                          59.75: liberty
                          55.75: tutusue
                          54.75: acousticlady, Surfingfarmboy
                          47.25: Mike_Lowery, InfinityProductions
                          45: lavagal
                          36.5: CranBeree
                          35: mel
                          32: Peshkwe
                          30: kanahina
                          20.75: helen
                          11.5: Palama Kid
                          10.25: kiwidiva
                          9.5: jdub

                          New questions: Next post!
                          But I'm disturbed! I'm depressed! I'm inadequate! I GOT IT ALL! (George Costanza)


                          • Re: Hawaii Threads Trivia Contest -- Go Fourth and Multiply

                            Arrrgh!!!! Make the next questions really, really, really hard!!!

                            I gotta do something to close the gap with that Leo Lucky guy...!

                            Maybe I'll get lucky if your questions are super-quirky.
                            Make trouble, have fun, do good stuffs.


                            • Day 29 Questions

                              HawaiiThreads Trivia Contest!
                              Here are the questions for Day 29!

                              1. Category: That Would Be...Illogical.
                                Participant-submitted question!

                                What classic television show aired an episode in which Greg Brady appeared in drag and Mr. Spock spoke with a Hispanic accent?

                              2. Category: Coffee, Tea, or...Me?
                                Participant-submitted question!

                                What major airline once had a president who was born and raised in Hawaii and who is believed to have invented the stewardess?

                              3. Category: Hare-Raising Tales
                                What adverb did Bugs Bunny use (twice!) to describe the way he would cut Elmer Fudd's hair?

                              Please send me your answers IN PRIVATE MAIL by 11:00 p.m. on Monday, December 3! Good luck, and beat Kalei!
                              But I'm disturbed! I'm depressed! I'm inadequate! I GOT IT ALL! (George Costanza)


                              • Re: Hawaii Threads Trivia Contest -- Go Fourth and Multiply

                                Oops. I was supposed to wait until 11:00 before posting scores for that second set. I'm sooooo sorry, but it's too late to do anything about that now! Looks like we heard from the usual suspects anyway. *sheepish*
                                But I'm disturbed! I'm depressed! I'm inadequate! I GOT IT ALL! (George Costanza)

