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Hawaii Threads Trivia Contest -- Go Fourth and Multiply

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  • Re: Hawaii Threads Trivia Contest -- Go Fourth and Multiply

    Just a reminder: Lock in your answers now!
    Make trouble, have fun, do good stuffs.


    • Re: Hawaii Threads Trivia Contest -- Go Fourth and Multiply

      HawaiiThreads Trivia Contest!
      Here are the answers for Day 17!

      Category: Light My Fire
      According to the rules of FLAME, what did destiny have to say about Julia Roberts’s relationship with Kiefer Sutherland? You may want to explain your answer for this one.
      Well nobody came even close, so I'm going to give everyone one more shot, with one little hint. Here's the hint:

      Every experienced teacher has a little bag of tricks: They are lessons that never fail, or stories that can be used in almost any situation, or quick games that will eat up the last five or ten minutes of class for days when the lesson ends earlier than expected, or activities that will keep a group of students waiting for a field trip bus from going nutso. One of mine is an activity involving an apple. I take an apple, and reciting the alphabet in order, I twist the apple with one hand while holding the stem with the fingers of the other. "A...B...C..." When the stem breaks away from the apple, whatever letter I was on is the first initial of the person the apple's owner is going to marry (it's more fun for them if I use the students as the examples, even though it's more fun for me if I play it for myself!).

      But it doesn't end there! I have the student take a few big bites from the apple, and ask the student to get three seeds out of it. The student then gives each seed a name beginning with that initial and sticks each seed to his or her forehead! When two seeds have fallen off and one remains, the name assigned to the last seed is the name of the person the student is going to marry.

      There you go. There's the hint.

      Category: Nice to Meat You
      What insect is notorious for laying its eggs on paralyzed tarantulas so that its larvae may feed on the still-living spiders?
      It is the Tarantula Hawk, which has a few alternate names. According to the article in Wikipedia the larvae, feeding upon the still-living spider, avoids eating the vital organs as long as possible, so as to keep its prey alive and fresh! MMMMMMMmmmmmmmm!

      Spider-kebobs go to liberty, CranBeree, Peshkwe, Surfingfarmboy, Leo Lakio, InfinityProductions, mel, tutusue, zztype, and Mike_Lowery for getting that right!

      Category: The Pen is Mightier
      What goddess is most familiarly seen in America holding a book, but is sometimes depicted holding a five-pointed star, a sword, or a laurel wreath?
      That would be Lady Liberty, or Columbia. Torches up for liberty (duh!), CranBeree, Peshkwe, Leo Lakio, InfinityProductions, mel, tutusue, acousticlady, Kalei99, lavagal, zztype, and Mike_Lowery!

      Here are the current scores!
      45.75: Kalei99
      38.5: Leo Lakio,
      36.5: Surfingfarmboy, liberty
      35.5: acousticlady
      34.5: tutusue
      34.25: zztype
      30.5: lavagal, InfinityProductions
      27.5: CranBeree
      27: mel
      26.75: Mike_Lowery
      22: kanahina
      13: helen
      11.75: Peshkwe
      9.5: jdub, Palama Kid
      7: kiwidiva

      New questions -----> Next post!
      Last edited by scrivener; November 20, 2007, 08:42 PM. Reason: "'s as easy to learn as your ABCs..."
      But I'm disturbed! I'm depressed! I'm inadequate! I GOT IT ALL! (George Costanza)


      • Re: Hawaii Threads Trivia Contest -- Go Fourth and Multiply

        HawaiiThreads Trivia Contest!
        Here are the questions for Day 18!

        1. Category: Flaming Up Again
          Today's question #1 is yesterday's question #1. Please see the previous post for the hint.

        2. Category: Highway to Hell
          What best-selling writer was severely injured when hit by a truck while walking along a New England highway?

        3. Category: Hawaii Do Fools Fall in Love?
          What son of Kohala is memorialized in the United States Capitol building?

        Question: Should we take Thursday off, or should we play?

        Please send me your answers IN PRIVATE MAIL by 9:00 p.m. on Wednesday, November 21! Good luck, and beat Kalei!
        But I'm disturbed! I'm depressed! I'm inadequate! I GOT IT ALL! (George Costanza)


        • Re: Hawaii Threads Trivia Contest -- Go Fourth and Multiply

          Originally posted by scrivener View Post

          Question: Should we take Thursday off, or should we play?

          Please send me your answers IN PRIVATE MAIL by 9:00 p.m. on Wednesday, November 21! Good luck, and beat Kalei!
          Having missed three days in the past week, I say we PLAY, maybe others will forget and I can catch up! That is if I too, forget yet again.
          "Be god to each other."


          • Re: Hawaii Threads Trivia Contest -- Go Fourth and Multiply

            Originally posted by scrivener View Post
            Question: Should we take Thursday off, or should we play?
            Interesting query. If we play, many will be preoccupied and possibly away from computers and will likely default.

            On the positive side, Kalei99 will probably be at dinner and far from a computer when the Thursday 9 p.m. witching hour rolls around.

            On the negative side, I will probably be sitting right next to her. :•(

            On the positive side, I have an iPhone.

            On the negative side, my wife will probably kick me if she catches me posting to a BBS during Thanksgiving Dinner. :•(

            Questions, questions, questions....

            I vote we take the night off. Everybody should just chill and enjoy the break. Then, back into it Friday night.

            Anybody else?

            Make trouble, have fun, do good stuffs.


            • Re: Hawaii Threads Trivia Contest -- Go Fourth and Multiply

              Post some questions. If someone's on the Internet when most people are spending time with their families, we'll see who the true winners are.
              Twitter: LookMaICanWrite



              • Re: Hawaii Threads Trivia Contest -- Go Fourth and Multiply

                Originally posted by scrivener View Post
                That would be Lady Liberty, or Columbia. Torches up for liberty (duh!), CranBeree, Peshkwe, Leo Lakio, InfinityProductions, mel, tutusue, acousticlady, Kalei99, lavagal, zztype, and Mike_Lowery![...]
                Just waitadernminute here! Are there internet cafes on planes now?! How'd she do that? Plus she missed the other 2 questions. Sumpin's fishy!


                • Re: Hawaii Threads Trivia Contest -- Go Fourth and Multiply

                  Wait, no she didn't. She got number 2. Dangit. I'll fix it tomorrow.
                  But I'm disturbed! I'm depressed! I'm inadequate! I GOT IT ALL! (George Costanza)


                  • Re: Hawaii Threads Trivia Contest -- Go Fourth and Multiply

                    Oooooh noooooo...<sobble>

                    damn fingers!


                    • Re: Hawaii Threads Trivia Contest -- Go Fourth and Multiply

                      Let's play. It's just one night. If someone really wanted to gain the three points, shouldn't they plan to submit it earlier, before Thanksgiving dinner? Or is that not feasible for some? No biggie if we decide not to play, though.


                      • Re: Hawaii Threads Trivia Contest -- Go Fourth and Multiply

                        Hey..... I said Tarantula Hawk as my answer. How comes I'm not listed as having it correct?

                        I say let's play - unless getting the questions posted is an issue for you Scrivener. I assume you're going to be having Thanksgiving dinner too. I vote that it's your decision.
                        Last edited by acousticlady; November 21, 2007, 02:28 AM.


                        • Re: Hawaii Threads Trivia Contest -- Go Fourth and Multiply

                          Originally posted by tutusue View Post
                          Just waitadernminute here! Are there internet cafes on places now?! How'd she do that? Plus she missed the other 2 questions. Sumpin's fishy!
                          Helllooooo and Alooooooha! I made to Hawaii safe and sound!
                          Just for you, Tutusue...I actually had to pay $65 at the Hilton for a weeks worth of internet! It was a tough decision - but when my husband asked me to check something for work at 7:00pm last night -- I just HAD to get the internet. And had just enough time to submit last night's answers. I knew you'd be disappointed if I didn't.
                          And for the record, I thought my answer for question number 1 deserved a point, too. I read the Jehovah Witness's Rules of Flame Wars - that was close enough.
                          So long...and thanks for all the fish!


                          • Re: Hawaii Threads Trivia Contest -- Go Fourth and Multiply

                            Originally posted by acousticlady View Post
                            Hey..... I said Tarantula Hawk as my answer. How comes I'm not listed as having it correct?
                            Sorry. Missed you in the list, but as you have noticed, you did get the point. In fact, so did Kalei99.
                            But I'm disturbed! I'm depressed! I'm inadequate! I GOT IT ALL! (George Costanza)


                            • Re: Hawaii Threads Trivia Contest -- Go Fourth and Multiply

                              I say PLAY on Thanksgiving. It'll be funny to watch Blaine wolf down his dinner so he can try and make it home in time!
                              Maybe I'll be like those "cocky" peole on Survivor who sit out of challenges just to eat because they know they wont be voted off that night!
                              Nahhhh......not me.
                              So long...and thanks for all the fish!


                              • Re: Hawaii Threads Trivia Contest -- Go Fourth and Multiply

                                Originally posted by Kalei99 View Post
                                I say PLAY on Thanksgiving. It'll be funny to watch Blaine wolf down his dinner so he can try and make it home in time!
                                Maybe I'll be like those "cocky" peole on Survivor who sit out of challenges just to eat because they know they wont be voted off that night!
                                Nahhhh......not me.
                                Remember? I get iPhone! Internet EVERYWHERE! Don't you worry about me. But I don't recall YOU having a smartphone. Hehehehe.

                                "Enjoying your dinner? Hehehe. I'll be right back... have some more turkey and gravy while I'm 'indisposed'... here, let me pour that for you. Hehehe."
                                Make trouble, have fun, do good stuffs.

