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Real Men of Genius

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  • Real Men of Genius

    We've all heard those funny Bud Light "Real Men of Genius" radio ads. Gotta' love the local one they made about "Mr. Moped Souper-Upper".

    Got any you can think of that hasn't been done yet (see link)?

    Here's one I thought of...

    Real Men of Genius: Mr. Chronic Message Board Poster

    (to the tune of Real Men of Genius)
    lyrics by Pomai

    Real Men of Genius
    Mr. Message Chronic Board Poster!
    We salute you, Mr. master of discussions
    For if it weren't for you, we'd have nothing interesting to read
    and thanks to you, we STILL have nothing interesting to read
    *back-up singer follows with >>> Keep it to yourself
    You're a wealth of knowledge
    Thanks to Google
    *back-up singer follows with >>> wait, I'm still searchin'
    So crack open an ice cold Bud Light, cruncher of the keyboard
    Because you've already made 10,000 posts in this thread
    and there's still a few hours left in the day to make 100 posts more in the OTHER thread
    Mr. Chronic Message Board Poster

    Last edited by Pomai; November 9, 2007, 11:21 AM.
    sigpic The Tasty Island

  • #2
    Re: Real Men of Genius

    Here's a spin-off to the "Mr. Moped Souper-Upper" ad...

    Mr. Moped with a Surfboard Rack Rider
    lyrics by Pomai

    Real Men of Genius
    Mr. Moped with a Surfboard Rack Rider!
    We salute you for being able to drive with that thing by your side
    Only you can steer a moped
    that has the aerodynamics of a sheet of plywood
    *back-up singer follows with >>> it's douglas fir treated
    Your bike wants to steer left
    but you make it right
    *back-up singer follows with >>> my arm has a cramp
    So crack open an ice cold Bud Light, Mr. windsurfer on wheels
    because you'll get that stick to the beach
    no matter what it takes
    Mr. Moped with a Surfboard Rack Rider
    Last edited by Pomai; November 9, 2007, 11:36 AM.
    sigpic The Tasty Island


    • #3
      Re: Real Men of Genius

      Mr. Graduation Lei Wearer

      lyrics by Pomai

      Real Men of Genius
      Mr. Graduation Lei Wearer!
      We'd salute you, but we don't think you can see us
      Your, uncle, aunt, cousin and every friend you know
      put a lei over that head of yours
      *back-up singer follows with >>> I'd rather get money
      The leis are stacked so high on you,
      it looks like one wrong step, and you'd fall over
      *back-up singer follows with >>> get me a periscope
      So crack open an ice cold Bud Light Mr. Tower of Flowers
      Because there's 10 more leis comin' your way
      and don't you get caught giving any of them away
      Mr. Graduation Lei Wearer

      sigpic The Tasty Island


      • #4
        Re: Real Men of Genius

        Miss Hawaiian Bracelet Wearer
        lyrics by Pomai

        Bud Light presents Real Women of Genius
        Miss Hawaiian Bracelet Wearer!
        We salute you, mistress of stenciled gold
        Why wear one bracelet, when you can wear ten
        and that's just the left arm
        *back-up singer follows with >>> I'm Wonder Woman
        It may say Kuu'ipo at the store
        And in fact that is your name, but just one part of it
        *back-up singer follows with >>> Kuu'ipo
        So crack open an ice cold Bud Light Miss "Family Tree on Your Arms"
        because you make the family proud
        and it shows everywhere you go
        in all its shining glory
        Miss Hawaiian Bracelet Wearer
        sigpic The Tasty Island


        • #5
          Re: Real Men of Genius

          Mr. Costco Sample Hoarder
          lyrics by Pomai

          Bud Light presents Real Men of Genius
          Mr. Costco Sample Hoarder!
          We'd salute you, but we have nothing to salute you with
          because you took it all
          I really wanted to try a sample slice of that microwaved burrito
          But you made a fiesta out of it, and took the last two
          *back-up singer follows with >>> I hope she nukes a new batch
          Just when I thought it was mine
          Mr. Sample Ninja swoops from around the corner and beats me to it
          *back-up singer follows with >>> That was really sneaky
          So crack open an ice cold Bud Light Free-Bee man
          Because they're giving away samples of beef jerky
          7 aisles down
          and you'll need all the energy you can get to beat me to that one
          Mr. Costco Sample Hoarder
          sigpic The Tasty Island


          • #6
            Re: Real Men of Genius

            Mr. Undecided Bento Shopper

            lyrics by Pomai

            Bud Light presents Real Men of Genius
            Mr. Undecided Bento Shopper!
            We salute you Mr. Katsu vs. Curry man
            The bento selection here is mind boggling
            and your boggled brain is busting
            *back-up singer follows with >>> What should I eat?
            That teriyaki and chicken katsu combo sure looks good
            But for health's sake, you really should choose the salmon
            *back-up singer follows with >>> I still want the Katsu
            So crack open an ice cold Bud Light Mr. denial of the deep-fried
            Because no matter what entree you choose, you'll still get
            rice with furikake and tsukemono to balance that bento out
            Mr. Undecided Bento Shopper
            sigpic The Tasty Island


            • #7
              Re: Real Men of Genius

              Mr. Sit-in-Front of the Store Ukulele Player
              lyrics by Pomai

              Bud Light presents Real Men of Genius
              Mr. Sit-in-Front of the Store Ukulele Player!
              We salute you Mr. entertainer of the store entrance
              You strum that 4-string and hum a song
              that we really can't make out as we quickly pass by you
              *Back-up singer follows with>>> That sounded like Alika
              You may not be no Jake or Kelly Boy
              But at least you know how to kill time
              without killing our eardrums
              *Back-up singer follows with>>> Somebody refill my coffee
              So crack open an ice cold Bud Light Mr. Retirement Riff Master
              Because there's 5 other retired guys singing along with you
              and when we retire, we'll be doing that too
              Mr. Sit-in-Front of the Store Ukulele Player
              sigpic The Tasty Island


              • #8
                Re: Real Men of Genius

                Mr. Tourist Volunteer Hula Dancer
                lyrics by Pomai

                Bud Light presents Real Men of Genius
                Mr. Tourist Volunteer Hula Dancer
                We salute you, cracker boy with the crackin' hips
                You're as stiff as a board
                and as graceful as a goat up there
                *Back-up singer follows with>>> Why did they pick him?
                You put the owee owee
                in Uli Uli
                *Back-up singer follows with>>> PLEASE! sit back down
                So crack open an ice cold Bud Light MC Hammer of the Hula
                At least you're giving it your all
                even if that's all you got
                Mr. Tourist Volunteer Hula Dancer
                sigpic The Tasty Island


                • #9
                  Re: Real Men of Genius

                  Mr. Coconut Tree Climber
                  lyrics by Pomai

                  Bud Light presents Real Men of Genius
                  Mr. Coconut Tree Climber
                  We salute you Mr. Monkey of the Groves
                  Only you have the skill and guts
                  to climb something not even my cat would dare to
                  *Back-up singer follows with>>> Meow
                  With just a chain and knife in hand
                  you drop more coconuts than a B-52 drops bombs
                  *Back-up singer follows with>>> ooh that's a big one
                  So crack open an Ice Cold Bud Light Mr. Nut Chopper
                  because after it's all said and done
                  we'll have enough coconuts to make Pina Coladas for 3 weeks
                  Mr. Coconut Tree Climber
                  sigpic The Tasty Island


                  • #10
                    Re: Real Men of Genius

                    Go easy. You're hilarious. Now I'm going to have to come up with one. Well done. This is sure to become my favorite thread.
                    Don't be mean,
                    try to help.


                    • #11
                      Re: Real Men of Genius

                      Mr. Huli Huli Chicken Fundraising Coworker

                      lyrics by Pomai

                      Bud Light presents Real Men of Genius
                      Mr. Huli Huli Chicken Fundraising Coworker
                      We salute you, Mr. "Fowl-For-Funds Freddy"
                      I still have 2 bags of Huli Huli Chicken in the freezer from LAST year
                      and you're already coming back around this year for me to buy more
                      *Back-up singer follows with>>> Do it for the team
                      It's 8 bucks for half a chicken
                      Here's 16, give me two
                      *Back-up singer follows with>>> Thank You Very Much
                      So crack open an Ice Cold Bud Light Chicken Man
                      Among Zippy's Chili, Chocolate covered Almonds and Girl Scout Cookies,
                      The turning bird is still our favorite
                      Mr. Huli Huli Chicken Fundraising Coworker
                      sigpic The Tasty Island


                      • #12
                        Re: Real Men of Genius

                        Mr. Silver Man Waikiki Street Performer
                        lyrics by Pomai

                        Bud Light presents Real Men of Genius
                        Mr. Silver Man Waikiki Street Performer!
                        Today we salute you, Mr. Whatever you are
                        You stand there stiff as a rock
                        Blowing that whistle and moving on occasion to make things interesting
                        *Back-up singer follows with>>> Mom, why is that man doing that?
                        I guess you had to choose the color silver
                        because the guy a block up the street already got the color gold
                        *Back-up singer follows with>>> that bastard
                        So crack open an ice cold Bud Light Shine Shady
                        Here's a dollar tip for your efforts
                        Hopefully you'll make enough tonight to buy a case of beer,
                        because you're gonna' need it after doing that gig
                        Mr. Silver Man Waikiki Street Performer
                        sigpic The Tasty Island


                        • #13
                          Re: Real Men of Genius

                          Mr. Fanatical UH Football Fan
                          lyrics by Pomai

                          Bud Light presents Real Men of Genius
                          Mr. Fanatical UH Football Fan!
                          Today we salute you, Incredible Hulk of Hawaii Football
                          It took you 2 hours and 6 beers out in the parking lot to put all that green paint on
                          And don't worry, the TV cameras will see you
                          *Back-up singer follows with>>> make sure to say hi to your mother
                          Every time the Warriors make a touchdown,
                          you jump around like a menehune on hot lava
                          *Back-up singer follows with>>> Go Warriors!
                          So crack open an ice cold Bud Light Green Cheerleader in the Bleachers
                          because the team just made another touch down
                          and the TV camera is looking right at you
                          Mr. Fanatical UH Football Fan
                          Last edited by Pomai; November 9, 2007, 06:29 PM.
                          sigpic The Tasty Island


                          • #14
                            Re: Real Men of Genius

                            Mr. Manapua Man
                            lyrics by Pomai

                            Bud Light presents Real Men of Genius
                            Mr. Manapua Man!
                            Today we salute you, Mr. Purveyor of anything and everything
                            If it's edible, cheap and fits in your wagon,
                            you're selling it
                            *Back-up singer follows with>>> 2 for a dollar
                            I can't understand a damned thing you're saying
                            But it doesn't matter
                            Your Manapua & Chow Funn is really really good.
                            *Back-up singer follows with>>> I'll also have an ice cream
                            So crack open an ice cold Bud Light Mr. Dim Sum Deal on Wheels
                            Thanks to you, right from my doorstep
                            I've got breakfast, lunch, dinner and dessert for under 5 bucks
                            Mr. Manapua Man
                            Last edited by Pomai; November 9, 2007, 07:09 PM.
                            sigpic The Tasty Island


                            • #15
                              Re: Real Men of Genius

                              Mr. Mango Season Workplace Supplier
                              lyrics by Pomai

                              Bud Light presents Real Men of Genius
                              Mr. Mango Season Workplace Supplier!
                              Today we salute you, Surplus Mango Man
                              When the season is ripe, your tree has more mangoes than you know what to do with
                              So you give them away to your friends and coworkers
                              and they love you for it
                              *Back-up singer follows with>>> I need a bag to put these in
                              Pickled, shoyu and vinegar, chutney
                              been there, done that
                              *Back-up singer follows with>>> How about a facial cream?
                              So crack open an ice cold Bud Light, oh fruit fairy
                              your coworkers may be stoked
                              but you still have to go home and rake all those leaves
                              Mr. Mango Season Workplace Supplier
                              Last edited by Pomai; November 9, 2007, 07:39 PM.
                              sigpic The Tasty Island

